Well, it's a good thing I got some serious meditative relaxing in at the beach last weekend.
This was my week:
1. Day One: I am full of energy! Mr. J comes to paint the ceilings. Start laundry while Hunk O Man moves furniture and moves decorative items onto kitchen table. Entertain Mr. J and fix him a glass of Diet Coke while I decide on a new paint color for kitchen. Remove all faceplates from switches and outlets. Move all the stuff out of the kitchen. Go get paint for kitchen at Lowe's. Decide it also matches the family room. Repaint family room after Mr. J leaves. Swap out old outlets and switches from almond to white. Finish that, move all furniture and decorative items back in family room. Clean up brushes and pans for paint. Fix dinner. Tell kids to take all the dishes off the kitchen shelving so I can paint tomorrow. Collapse into bed. Get up from bed and realise that Barbie is the only one removing the dishes. Help her until all things are removed and kitchen is ready for Mr. J. Collapse into bed again.
5. Day Two: Coffee with Barb and Donna. Come home greatly encouraged! Cut in all throughout kitchen with yellow paint. Do more laundry. Try not to be angry with girls for not helping remove dishes from shelves. Get sewing room ready for painting tomorrow by moving things out and around. Clean up paint mess. Realise I got the wrong switches for the kitchen to swap out. Tell girls to do the dishes. Help Barbie with cheerleading moves and dances because this week she's trying out. Collapse into bed. Have I been this tired lately?
6. Day Three: Finish painting kitchen. Put clean laundry in a heap in bedroom, realising that things in the laundry room are now a total mess because girls are doing their own laundry. Realise the ground beef I got out two days ago has been sitting in the kitchen sink defrosting, covered with a plastic sheet. Help Mr. J load his truck up with everything. Tote ladders, paint cans, and drop cloths out to his van and chat. Decide I hate the color in the kitchen. Cable guy arrives and tells me the reason I can't get reception on digital channels is because they have to replace a cable down the street. Hunk O Man reminds me to research cheaper cable/phone/internet rates. Go to Lowe's and realise I didn't get the wrong switches after all, I just need to be some kind of electrical genius to figure the combination switch out. Tell the girls again to do the dishes. Deal with Baby's screaming, stomping meltdown about going to Wednesday night church. Pick up pizza for dinner. Collapse into bed. Can't remember when I was this tired. Hunk O Man tells me I am getting too old for this. Naah, I reply.
7. Day Four: Experiment with glaze and various colors and patterns on kitchen wall. Realize I now have two extra gallons of yellow paint I will not be using and cannot return. Hate everything I try. Decide to just paint it all white and be done with it. Thank God that I have an almost-full gallon of white sating paint in the shed. Start painting again. Fall off ladder while stepping down from the countertop. Feel like an idiot and tell Baby that I'm fine, the worst thing was that I got paint all over the floor. Tell the girls to do the dishes again, and Rose loads the dishwasher but leaves pans all over counter. Take Bug to her new job. Scrape all paint off wood floor and decide to use drop cloths from here on out. Finish the walls behind the kitchen shelving and put all the dishes back. Try and put sewing room back in order after ceilings were painted. Shut the door to the laundry room so I don't have to look at it. Paint all but over the doorways with white. Clean brushes and pans, open all windows, thank God that it's warm outside. Collapse into bed. Get up at 2AM and climb into bed with Rose because of Hunk O Man's snoring. Rose is mad.
8. Day Five: Rose gets up for school and makes a ton of noise specifically designed to wake me up because she's mad I am sleeping with her. I go back to my own bed. Get up at 11. Drink some coffee. Hunk O Man makes me an omlette. My right leg is sore from that fall yesterday and what in the world is going on with my right foot? Take a 2 hour nap. Go with Hunk O Man to new burger place and get an amazing peanut butter malt I do not need. Take another nap and some ibuprofen. Answer phone and it's the cable people; spend 45 minutes making arrangements for them to take over our phone service. Make pizza dough. Remind Bug to clean up the kitchen before she goes to work. Finish painting in kitchen. Decide not to make pizza because kitchen is still a mess. Clean up spilled cup of glaze + paint off wood floor. Spend two hours on the phone with cable people because they didn't register the serial number on cable box and it quit working. They can't fix it until tomorrow. Unhook cable box and think twice about throwing it in the yard and setting it on fire. Fold all laundry. Deal with Baby, who is furious that there is no pizza because of sister's selfishness. Hook up tv directly to cable and watch tv until I fall asleep.
9. Day Six: Research DirectTV. Keep smelling and tasting that funny taste you get when you're getting a cold. Drink more coffee. Smile at the faithful dog who always greets me and loves me. Thank God for warm weather. Take a vitamin and read my bible, my favourite passage in Proverbs. Start another load of laundry. Hope the kitchen will finally get cleaned up today. Thank God that Bug is in a good mood. It's been a pretty regular week, all things considered. Maybe I'll plant something today.
I think I'll call my mama.
7 years ago
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