Sometimes I get so caught up in the grace of God that I forget to ask him to simply forgive me for my sins.
I keep reading in the New Testament all this encouragement from Paul in his letters. They're all about growing in the faith, staying true to the gospel, etc. They are chock full of the richness of following and claiming the salvation Jesus has offered.
But it really hit me yesterday, as I was standing in the shower, reviewing my prayer list on the wall, that I need forgiveness. I am always so busy praying for other people and things that I just flat forget that I'm a sinner in need of that saving grace. At our church, we have communion every week, so that's a good time to remember the sacrifice of Jesus and to ask for His grace and forgiveness.
But for me, that really needs to be a daily thing. His mercies are new every morning, whether I ask for them or not. But asking for my sins to be forgiven reminds me that I am indeed a fallen, filthy person, unable to save myself, and apparently unwilling to stop doing the things for which I have to ask forgiveness.
And yet, praise God that I have this forgiveness immediately!
Hunk O Man started something in our family when the girls were born. We apologise and then are required to say the words, "Will you please forgive me?" It's humbling, whether you're the one embarassed to receive it, or spitting the words out despite your self-righteous pride.
When I'm the one being asked, I often will say "Of course, no need to even ask." And yet there is a need to ask. There is a need for us to humble ourselves and admit these -- let's just call'em what they are, shall we?
Our mistakes.
Our shortcomings.
Our failures.
Our screw-ups.
The ways we've hurt others by the things we say, or don't say.
The ways we've hurt others by what we've done, or haven't done.
It doesn't matter what these things are, because they don't define us. Christ defines us.
In this way we are reminded that it is Christ in us that is the Conquerer, and not we ourselves. The fact that we are already forgiven is beside the point; the idea here is to not forget who and what we are -- saved only by the sacrifice and grace of Jesus.
It's a pretty rudimentary point, but easy to overlook. Kind of like that "i before e" thing when you're spelling, or trying to remember which months have 30 days and which have 31, and singing that little song in your head. It never hurts to go back to the basics.
Lord, please forgive me of my sins today. Thank you for loving me enough to forgive them before I even ask. I want to follow you exclusively. Amen.
7 years ago
1 Comment:
I love that you all ask if the other person will forgive you. What a great gift you have given your children with that. Wish I had known you when my were smaller!
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