Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Break

Off we go.

And you'll notice who's driving -- and who's on his laptop reading to me, not spilling the beans on where we're going upon threat of death.

And who's either not too happy about being in the back seat in the middle -- and hoping we're not going to some weirdo freaky place that's gross . . . or commenting on roadkill . . . or maybe Hunk O Man made a rude noise . . . or Baby coughed . . .

We arrive at Universal Studios for a day of fun. Hunk O Man is having a little trouble figuring out those voucher pass thingys --

(the best deal was through Sam's Club Travel -- unlimited admission for 7 days to 2 parks)

So we all lined up for a photo.

Or two.

We saw the Blues Brothers

The New York City Public Library from "Day After Tomorrow"

The New York Subway

And some folks making candy

We stood in line for rides

stood in more lines

and more lines (or maybe the same line, not sure)

and then got scared. Not sure what of. It kinda looks like they'll all scared of Bug, who is also either scared or surprised by the shark behind her.

Then it was on to more rides and fun.

Getting scrambled like an egg

and more lines among Dr. Seuss weirdness contraptions having to do with Sneedles, I think. An entirely pointless ride for teenagers and Mom with a VERY long line full of all the appropriate people for this ride -- parents with preschoolers!

More New York City, only at night

and another day at the park gone,

with some surfing on the way out to the parking lot.

After about 3 days of this unbelievable happiness and fun fun fun, it was on to find a prom dress while Hunk O Man and Baby and JB continued on their quest to face every fear and ride every roller coaster at least 10 times.

Now let me stop here and clarify that I am quite the girly girl, and have several girly girls among my girly girls. Trying on dresses is always fun.


There was this one

Ooooh! Pretty!

Very nice, very nice,

Uh huh. What? Mmmm hmmm.

You like THAT color, really? I mean, great dress and all, Babe, you're kinda looking like a canteloupe. Beautiful lines, though.

Didn't I hear you say that you wanted navy blue? -- but (yawn) it's really pretty, honey,

Oh dear. No, definitely not. Now you're a kiwi.

and take that off immediately before somebody sees you! Good Lord!

Finally she settled on this one, which is not navy blue or her size. It will have to be ordered and shipped to us.

We loved these little guys

on the enclosed back porch of the condo every morning and early afternoon.

And we ate lots of ham sandwiches and egg sandwiches and ice cream and watched movies every night.

Then we headed home and stopped in Savannah, which is halfway.

Amid all the beauty, JB kept saying "Food, I need food!"

To which I replied, "It's so pretty! I want to live here!"

We ate at Panera Bread and I thoroughly enjoyed our driving tour through Savannah despite all cries from the back of

1. "Let's go HOME!"

2. "I'm tired!"

3. "Are we ever getting out of here?"

4. "Get offa me!"

Never let it be said that my girls don't appreciate beauty.

We got home at 2:00AM.

Vacation appreciated? Check.

Tons of fun? Check.

More laughing than bickering? Check. Sorta.

Glad to be home?

Check check check check check check check!

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's great that you were there and we were there. We left about 5:oo p.m. to rescue the dog from her crate. I hope y'all had a blast! I do have to say, however, that is a lot of dresses to look at. My eyes actually glazed over and I love dresses!