Friday, April 11, 2008

Fashion Fiesta

Since all the blogs I regularly read are celebrating the Fashion Fiesta, I thought I would join in and distract myself a bit from my regular drabble. I love fashion, I have a daughter rightfully dubbed "The Fashionista." This child actually cried at her one-year old birthday party over a party hat -- she insists to this day that it didn't match her outfit. I think it had something to do with the conical shape and more importantly, the elastic string around her neck that was too tight.

Anyway -- here are my ramblings on fashion, such as they are.

1. I live in cardigan sweater sets. Whoever invented these is a genius and should sit at the right hand of Jesus. I have them in brown, black, pink, white, and blue. They go with everything, they're perfect for all types of weather, and they dress up or down according to your need/event/day. Need a sweater? Done. Need a tank? Done. Nuff said.

2. White Keds are the greatest shoes ever invented. I wear them (with a pair of low-cut footie socks) with everything. No kidding. They hide a multitude of toes in desperate need of a pedicure. They also keep my feet warm in the winter, and go great with a pair of jeans.

I also have a pair of these Sperry Topsiders for summer: 3. If I could wear a pair of khaki shorts like these year round, I would.

4. Little cotton skirts are wonderful. I love them and wear them when I'm not wearing shorts. With my white Keds and a t-shirt (with no writing or advertising -- I hate that), and possibly a jeans jacket if it's chilly outside. I love these from Anthropologie:

5. I have a pair of quarter-sized sterling silver hoop earrings that I wear with almost everything.

6. I do wear heels for church. I have these which I love, from American Eagle at Payless:

But I wore them yesterday shopping at Costco and nearly ruined my left foot. I think one should probably shop in these sorts of heels when one doesn't want to overspend and get the shopping done in a timely manner.

7. When in doubt, a comfy pair of stretchy Levi's jeans and a white button-down shirt of my husband's does me just fine. A white T-shirt also works, as does any other white shirt. I am a big fan of white and denim. With white Keds. And a jeans jacket.

Fortunately my girls are usually not embarassed by what I wear, which I count as a HUGE accomplishment. It is far more often that I am embarassed by them! The general rule around here is that you can't look like a slob if you're going out with me in public. This is often a problem with Baby, to whom comfort is infinitely more important than style.

I can't wait to see what everyone else is posting. I do love me a good fashion show.


Queen B said...

All very cute! I looked at those shoes the other day...glad I didn't get them. I would be crippled.

Love those skirts!!

Keetha Broyles said...

Really cute skirts.

But I'm too thinness challenged to wear any of those!!!!


Hey - - - my WORD VERIFICATION for this post is "bfrooppy"

Sounds like a fashion word to me!!! Well, actually a LACK of fashion word.

Keri said...

I also love those skirts! I've never heard of this Antho-whatever store but you are probably the 10th blog I've looked at today that loves it.

Unknown said...

Love those shoes, love those skirts.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my lovely coffee tee shirt.
A life's not complete without coffee!
You can quote me on that!

Seized by Hope said...

love, love, love the skirts! we could trade out, my shoes for your skirts.

thanks for visiting me!

Big Mama said...

Love the skirts! Thanks for joining in the fiesta!

Makaela said...

In fact I could probably wear adorable things every day.
But I just don't want to.