After that last post full of angst and trouble, I thought maybe happier thoughts should prevail.
I've gotten a bunch of stuff done this week so far, amist the inner turmoil at my house. Work is good. It takes your mind off things.
First up -- gardening. I spent the day outside yesterday. It was sunny but cool, in the high 60's. Warmer in the sunshine. I made the girls come outside and help because when they're grounded they have to stay home, and I always have something for you to do when you're at home.
Bug planted these petunias out by the mailbox.
I transplanted the pansies into pots.
And put the impatiens into the beds.
And I got the lily that The Boyfriend's parents sent over at Easter put in the ground.
Bug also planted 3 tomatoes and a pepper into pots for me.
Rose planted the mint and worked lime into the soil after I dug it up.
I dug up another area near the driveway just for fun, so I could take a lovely photo and show you.
The herbs are doing well.
My backyard actually looks pretty from this angle.
Secondly, La Fwonda is sporting a vintage dress that doesn't really fit her. Hopefully it will fit someone else. (it still needs a side zip)
From this pattern: (I got this on Ebay -- fabric and pattern, completely cut out, but never sewn).
And I took off all my fingernails. I've gone from 8 years of beautiful acrylic pink-and-whites to working hands.
I told you I was serious about cutting expenses.
Work is good. And good for you.
Work is good. And good for you.
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