I got the best Mother's Day present there is: a visit from my mother!
She and Dad have been here since Monday night. They drove the 10 hours down from Ohio and have been staying with us and we've been having a great time.
Every time before when they've come to visit, they've stayed in a hotel. But since I repainted the master bedroom and it is a calm, serene retreat, I invited them to stay with us. I realised that if Hunk O Man and I would just go upstairs and kick Rose out of her bedroom (to room with Bug, who has a big comfy bed), Mom and Dad could just shut the door and have an entire suite full of privacy.
They are big on privacy, because they are aging, and they just like to be able to have their own stuff their own way and not be bothered. And since quite literally every one of my 2 brothers and 4 sisters live within 25 miles of them (well, the youngest one lives in AZ now, but that's just recent), they've never had to leave home to visit anyone except me. And possibly Android, my girls' favourite coolest of the cool uncles who's a helicopter pilot and married to a Korean doll. He was deployed (Army) to San Francisco and North Carolina and Alabama and Korea and Bosnia -- well, you get the idea.
Anyway, Mom and Dad have always stayed in a hotel, but this time I convinced them to stay just one night with us, in the master bedroom (which is on the ground floor at the end of the house with an attic above it). And they accepted! Wa-hooey! And they love it! And we love it because they don't have to get in the car and go back to the hotel!
We really did try and make it nice for them -- we scrubbed off our resin outdoor chairs and put in the cushions and set them up on the newly cleaned up back porch. What is it with the back porch, always collecting this endless supply of STUFF? Then two days ago we moved it all out into the back yard area so we could enjoy the sun.
And the three of us promptly took little naps in our chairs. Good grief. I am getting old.
Power naps. That sounds better. We took power naps. Cause our lives are so busy this week.
Yesterday we went up to Petersburg VA and had our little history lesson with Hunk O Man, the Man Who Would Have Been A History Prof But For the Call of God. We walked around and saw that big crater that the Yankees (us) made.
We looked at forts. We saw a movie about the battles and the fall of the south.
We saw many cannons and wool jackets and those little crumpled hats they wore.
We ate at Denny's. I love to eat at places like that, because I never do, and so when I do I order the french toast and sugar myself right up.
We rode in Pappy's comfy Lincoln truck. The man has to have a truck, but Grandma has to have her Lincoln. So it's a Lincoln truck. No kidding. Bells and whistles everywhere.
We then drove home and had pot roast and watched Sayesha, the girl with the Hoo-Baby! voice get voted off American Idol.
Hunk O Man even played with the dog, throwing the ball and wearing the dog completely out. This is interesting because for the past 6 months, Hunk O Man has wanted to give the dog away.
Yeah, like THAT's gonna happen.
Pappy even commented that he's finally had some success with converting us to Pappy corn instead of that microwave nastiness that they mistakenly call popcorn.
It's been a good few days. I'm sorry they're leaving tomorrow.
So are they. Which is amazing! Next time we're heading to Beaufort and the beach! Hopefully the next visit will be sooner than later --
7 years ago
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