I will be starting my Once A Month Cooking again. Today. Just as soon as I get off this computer.
Once A Month Cooking is a great thing for people like me. Basically, you find a bunch of recipes and cook them all in one day. For me, having a chest freezer is a Godsend. You put them all in the freezer and just take out what you need for dinner that evening.
And it's not all cassaroles, as some might think. Often I will stir-fry the meat and sauce for my famous Cashew Chicken and then just do the veggies the night I fix it. I do a lot of meat cooked in sauce, and meatloaf, and frozen burgers made up with seasonings. I always do a pot roast and some sort of bbq/sloppy joe mix. This time, I'm trying all new recipes, which include fish and even something with lentils.
If you're interested in this, here are few websites you can have a look at --
And even a book you can read --

On a snacking note, I discovered the most wonderful food in the world last night:

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