Monday morning, and I am again without my washer until at least Wednesday. The ever-faithful Mr. Lee will be back then with a new pump. In the meantime, I will be heading over to the local laundromat to do all the laundry. It's a lot -- I'll tell you one thing, if you have a lot of anything with 5 kids, it's a whopping ton of laundry. And although sometimes a laundromat will have a questionable clientele, this one is just pretty much regular folk. I like that. Hopefully I can get some reading done while I'm there.
Oooooh, looky what the postman brought me on Saturday! I ordered these from Lanetz Living, and I can't wait to make them up! Any suggestions on fabrics would be greatly appreciated; while I am great at visualizing the dress in the fabric, I can't always come up with an idea on how it would look best.
I tried to get the Christmas decorations down on Saturday, but it just didn't happen entirely. It was a difficult weekend. Not sure why, just general malaise, I suppose. Probably menopause! I spent Saturday morning at Starbucks with my homies -- my peeps -- generally just talking about everything and having our own little church. Or small group. Whatever you want to call it -- we solved all the world's problems, and will do so again at any request from Mr. Bush!
I actually got myself a crochet hook and some yarn from Wal-Mart on Saturday, and started an afgahan. Not that I don't have enough UFO's, mind you (see the list), or enough to do. But I know I'll be spending lots of time sitting at rehearsals for "The Wizard of Oz," in which #5 is appearing, and it's nice to have something to do whilst sitting and waiting the 2-3 hours for it to end. And I love the afgahan pattern that I learned years ago, and that my good friend made me for a wedding gift. It's a simple double crochet across, and then you chain across to make loops you can then chain upwards. Difficult to describe, but I'll post a photo when it's done.
My eldest daughter just called and says she's skipped school. Two ways to look at this: 1-Pretty cool that she called and is now coming home, and 2-what the heck is she doing skipping school? My take on this is just that everyone needs a mental health day, and this is the first one she's taken. So ok, no freaking out required here, just she needs to come home from boyfriend's house and help me clean this house for the appraisal we have tomorrow. Hey, I'm all for a mental health day and all, but if you stay home with me, you work.
My dog scared me this morning. He wasn't outside, he wasn't upstairs, he wasn't anywhere that I could find. He didn't come when I called him. This is my faithful companion, who always is there to greet me! So I found him in his bed in the laundry room (where he stays at night), completely passed out in his bed. I spoke to him, and he didn't stir. Then I panicked. So I spoke again, and he woke up -- "WHAT? What? I'm sleeping here!" Poor dog. So I left him alone and he faithfully followed me out and passed out on his little mat by the computer. He is such a nusiance and a pest, but I love him anyway. He's my boy Indy.
Today is a busy one -- another swim meet, gotta make that baking mix (which I never did over the weekend), got a kid to homeschool (need to hit science hard this week), and I have GOT to get the tree down and Christmas put away. Actually, thank God #1 is home today!
The one thing I did do on Saturday was insulate my bedroom windows with that plastic weatherstripping stuff -- just in time for it to be nearly 70 degrees today.
Hey, I'm not complaining. If this is winter, I'm all for it!
1 Comment:
Hi Jen!! So glad to sent me the link to your blog! My friend, unpon hearing that my digital camera is on the fritz and I have to do things the "old fashioned" way, told me yesterday that her dryer's on the fritz and she had to go to the laudromat. I told her we were both "kickin' it old school." Now I read that you're in that club too! I actually look back on laundromat days as relaxing -- read, read, read. The only interruptions are to move the wash to the dryer. Ahhh. Your dog is such a cutie and I have to tell you -- 5 girls and the wife of an associate pastor??!!! You are superwoman. I'll be cutting the muslin on the dress tonight and hopefully completing it. Then I'll be dropping the film off at CVS (sigh) and scanning photos! I also checked out the place where you got your patterns. Suffice it to say, I'm going to check it out when I get home. Some mean girl outbid me on a pattern on Ebay and I really want it. But even after putting in $45.00 and still not coming out on top, I knew she was playing for keeps (mean girl).
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